
Pease click on the title of the report you wish to read.

Prior to our minutes being circulated, it was open to any brother who wished to write a newsletter based on a regular meeting to let me know.  Alternatively, any brother with information or an article could also and can still get in touch, and I would be only too pleased for it to be published on this site.   please feel free to send it to me.

Pease remember however, that the views expressed in any of these articles or newsletters are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Committee or the Lodge as a whole.

Newsletter - Regular Meeting May 2003

Newsletter - Regular Meeting June 2003

Newsletter - Regular Meeting Nov 2003, Feb & May 2004

Newsletter - Regular Meeting June 2004

In Memoriam - W. Bro. Charles Mee PPJGD  July 2004

Newsletter - Regular Meeting Nov. 2004

In Memoriam - W. Bro. John Bird PPAGDC  June 2007

Funeral Arrangements - W. Bro. Jimmy Booth & Bro. George Godby

As the minutes of all meetings are now being distributed with the summons convening the next meeting, no further Newsletters will be posted until further notice, comments or suggestions on this matter will be welcomed.