Charity funds, Regular Payment Promise, new Epping Forest 49 Club lottery.

In 2005, the Province of Essex launched the Essex 2011 Festival Appeal in aid of the Grand Charity. Our Lodge raised £41,000 in about 6 years for the Essex 2000 Festival. I was appointed Charity Steward in November 2005 and I hope to be as effective in my duties as my predecessors, W Bros John Bird and, before him, Don Larcombe, who both worked hard and successfully. The funds raised during the next 5 years, of course, depend much on you and all our Lodge brethren. 

Our Lodge has had two main ways in which brethren can give to charities. One is by Regular Payment Promise, usually by Standing Order from your bank account and normally linked to a signed Gift Aid which enables the Grand Charity to recover the 22% income tax you paid on the yearly amount promised. I do hope you will consider making a regular donation, however small, monthly or yearly, with or without the tax benefit. These regular payments have been our main fund raiser for the last 20 years.

The second is our Festive Board Raffle at nearly all our meetings. Guests and visitors often contribute to our Raffles but, of course, absent members do not. The Copper Pot, originally for loose 'copper' change is a useful addition at meetings.

We now have a new third way of helping our charitable fund raising through our Epping Forest 49 Club. For a yearly contribution of £25, a member chooses a number from 1 to 49, (or 2 numbers for £50 p.a.), which is then his number and not available to anyone else. The National Lottery Bonus Ball Number is drawn every Saturday: the number drawn on the second Saturday (used to be third saturday) each month will determine the Club's monthly prize of £25. The second Saturday number in October will determine the Club's annual prize of £250. Before the Club is fully subscribed, the annual prize will be a lesser amount. I hope all brethren will consider supporting this new Club. It could be an important regular charity contribution, especially from those who are unable to attend some meetings.

Numbers still available...

3,4,8,10,15,16,19,20,21,22,24,25,26,29,32,34, 35,39,40,41,42,44,45,46,47,48


Charity Matters

The following is a copy of a report which appears on the Province of Essex's web site

Epping Forest Lodge Support


In response to last years appeal to the "Friends of Oak View" by the Loughton Centre Events Committee the Epping Forest Lodge No 4263 have voted a most generous donation from their Relief Chest of £1,375.

The Charity Steward, W. Bro. John Bird PPAGDC accompanied by Events Committee Chairman W. Bro. Jim Fretwell PGStB, ProvJGW presented the cheque to The Head-teacher Steve Armstrong on Thursday 22nd January 2004.

This money will be put towards the cost of a new 17 seater school bus with a tail lift, which is the latest project for the School.

In addition to their support of Oak View School Epping Forest Lodge have also made a similar donation of £1,375 to the Chelmsford Cathedral Appeal.

The Loughton Centre Events Committee will be taking part in further fund raising activities together with other "Friends of Oak View" later in the year. One of the proposed events is a Boxing Evening, which is currently in the planning stage.

The photograph shows Jim Fretwell (left), Steve Armstrong (centre) and John Bird (right) and could have the caption "The joy of giving and receiving" based on the expressions of the three men.




W. Bro. Chris Stoner PPDepGSwdB

Communications Officer Area 3